Josette & Andreas – married

Josette and Andreas got in touch with us all the way from their home in Germany. As soon as I got chatting with Josette over the phone I knew that this was a wedding that I wanted to photograph. Josette, a Leicester girl had met Andreas a German guy when they both lived at The Mailbox in Birmingham. Having originally met in Birmingham they chose this city for their UK based marriage blessing and big celebration with their nearest and dearest.

Appropriately they chose the stylish Malmaison Hotel, situated in the Mail box, in which to ready themselves for the big day. Josette shared her morning with friend Tiffany and then later on her bridesmaids arrivedand Andreas cooly got ready with his best man and brother in law to be. With Jodin their son flitting between the two rooms. Josette emerged from the Malmiason looking an absolute knock out. Andreas and his groom party adorned smart modern cut blue suits. There is something really unique about city weddings. Is it that moment when two people obviously prepped for their big occasion step out into the hustle and bustle of the city with workers and shoppers going about there everyday business? Maybe it’s this contrast, maybe it’s simply knowing that Josette and Andreas were embarking on an extraordinary day in their lives.

They both separately made their way through the city centre in black cabs to the super cool  Fazeley Studios. We’ve never shot here before, but it’s enough to say that it is an exclusive wedding venue with a beautifully adorned and lit interior situated in an area of the city that speaks volumes about Birmingham’s industrial heritage. Urban magic. Their special day took place the day before halloween so their son flying around with a bat shaped balloon shouldn’t have been too surprising. What a bundle of gorgeous energy as he weaved skilfully between his English and German families!

We had the ingredients to make some stunning images, a photogenic couple with a great connection, surrounded by so many urban backdrops. In the planning of their day Josette and Andreas didn’t check out the football calendar. Fazely Studios is a short distance from St Andrew’s stadium which was hosting Birmingham City v Aston Villa with a midday kick off!  After the ceremony, taking the Bride and Groom out of the venue can only be described as unique. The match had ended and the streets and pubs had filled with 100’s of football fans. Really pleased to report that the response Josette and Andreas got from the Birmingham City faithful was brilliant as they congratulated the new Mr and Mrs by pinning badges on them. Stand back, photograph, let the story unfold. Brilliant.

Darkness fell over the city just as we were finishing off some shots around the canals. Returning to the venue we were greeted with steel drums and a congregation of guests enjoying their day and filling the venue with smiles, love and laughter. The evening and celebration proceeded beautfiully. We felt extremely honoured to have been part of this fabulous day – thank you to you both for choosing us. xx


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