So it’s a Tuesday evening in May and I head to the Peak District on what turns out to be a gorgeously sunny evening. This is what I call work, how fab! I meet up with Harriett and Matt who I have only ever spoken to over the phone. At this point practically strangers. We stroll around the stunning backdrop of Dovedale, however time is against us as we are aware that we could get locked in the car park! Although being in front of the camera is unusual for both of them, they were brilliant to photograph even with the distraction of the odd cyclist, runner or horse passing us by. Being forced back to the car park because of time, we continued our shoot up on the hills and I’m so pleased we did. Great decision. Refuelling with handfuls of cashew nuts, Matt and Harriett, now keen to continue with more fun pictures; lying on the grass, energetically running up the road and climbing onto the most amazingly placed old tree trunk.
By the end of your two hour shoot, you were definitely no longer strangers. I’m thrilled to share a few pictures of our time together. Matt, I hope I didn’t make you do anything you didn’t feel comfortable with (your choice to impressively leapfrog that post!) and Harriett you didn’t come away with any injuries!
Looking forward to being part of your plans at your wedding in three weeks!